The Seferlis Blog

Blog Posts

Azure Data Factory – Data Flow

I’mexcited to announce that Azure Data Factory Data Flow is now in publicpreview and I’ll give you a look at it here. Data Flow is a new featureof Azure Data Factory (ADF) that allows you to develop...

Intro to Azure Databricks Delta

Ifyou know about or are already using Databricks, I’m excited to tell youabout Databricks Delta. As most of you know, Apache Spark is theunderlining technology for Databricks, so about 75-80% of all...

Azure Database for MariaDB in Preview

Microsofthas recently announced another Platform as a Service (PaaS) offeringwith the release of MariaDB in Preview in Azure. I’d like to tell youmore about that offering and what are some of its...

How to Gain Up to 9X Speed on Apache Spark Jobs

Are you looking to gain speed on your Apache Spark jobs? How does 9X performance speed sound? Today I’m excited to tell you about how engineers at Microsoft were able to gain that speed on HDInsight...

Using Azure to Drive Security in Banking Using Biometrics

Inthe digital world we live in today, it’s getting harder to verifyidentity in industries such as banking. We now do less and lesstransactions in person. No longer do we go into banks with passbook...

Introducing Azure SQL Database Hyperscale Service Tier

Ifyour current SQL Database service tier is not well suited to yourneeds, I’m excited to tell you about a newly created service tier inAzure called Hyperscale. Hyperscale is a highly scalable storage...

What is Azure Automation?

So,what do you know about Azure Automation? In this post, I’ll fill you inon this cool, cloud-based automation service that provides you theability to configure process automation, update management...

What is Azure Firewall?

I’d like to discuss the recently announced Azure Firewall service that is now just released in GA. Azure Firewall is a managed, cloud-based network security service that protects your Azure Virtual...

Shell Chooses Azure Platform for AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is making its way into many industries today, helping to solve business problems and helping with efficiency. In this post, I’d like to share an interesting story about...